Aqua in Hawaii (in my mind)


When I do aqua fitness in the pool at my gym, I pretend I am in Hawaii. I’m lucky enough to have an outdoor pool with a view of palm trees.  Enjoy the water workout in your pool while you let your mind drift off to an exotic location. Then aqua becomes a work out for your body and soul.

How to Make Water Burn



Water and fire do not mix . . . unless you are talking about burning up calories doing Aqua Fitness.  Water aerobics helps you to expend energy doing cardio without feeling overheated. Even if you sweat, you do not notice it! Here is a great blog post on losing weight with aqua fitness. I recently started this blog, Aqua Awesome, to give information and inspiration for those doing aqua.

How to Put Crystals on a Hat

bling hat

Aqua Fitness is a great way to keep fit, especially in the summer. But you definitely need a hat, and it’s fun to show off bling hats in your aqua class. I recently wrote a post on my Aqua Awesome blog about how to apply hotfix crystals to a hat. Hop on over to to see this and other posts about aqua fitness.  I show you what you need to apply sparkles such as Swarovski crystals to a hat. The same method can be used to bling a shirt or bling shoes.  You use a tool called a hotfix applicator that lets you apply crystals that stay on without any sticky glue. Make exercise fun with this craft.